St. George Day was happening when we first arrived on Saturday,
and we enjoyed a wonderful lobster feast, along with everyone else in town!! Here's a photo of Oliver having dinner with dad - too bad Oliver can't have shellfish yet, according to baby allergy experts!! His cousins tucked right into it, though, as you can see from the photo! Later on, Oliver tasted the last drop of dad's beer, which makes for a cute photo, even though there's not actually any beer in there.
We've been to Drift Inn Beach a couple of times already, where Oliver gets thoroughly covered in sticky grey sand, and he doesn't like it much when we dunk him in the cold water to wash a little of it off! But other than that, he has the time of his life, running in and out of the shallow water, moving rocks from place to place, jumping into the deep holes that daddy digs, and generally hav
ing great little boy fun.
We've seen Chloe a few times, went swimming in Crawford Lake in Union, and have seen little Weston across the street, too. Andy's been out in his kayak once, and on his bike - he's signed up for an organized ride on Saturday, the "Ride and Roll," where upon finishing (50 miles) he gets a lobster roll!! Yum. Today was the St. George Ocean View Kitchen Tour, where 8 homes are selected for public viewing, and mom and dad's house was one of the eight! So we've spent lots of time making the place all nice and tidy, and today about 175 people trudged through the entire house, with lots of compliments on the cool kitchen. I'll try to write more updates soon!