It certainly feels Christmas-y up here in Maine - we're in the middle of a HUGE snowstorm! It started today around 10am, and has been steady and strong ever since - there's between a foot and 18 inches out there already, and it's nowhere near done falling. Supposed to continue through most of tomorrow - I don't remember the last time I saw so much snow!! Oliver is LOVING playing in the snow (he's calls it "snew!" with much enthusiasm). It takes about a half an hour to get him ready to go outside - pants tucked into socks, mittens on, snowsuit on, boots on (hardest part, as by now he's very wriggley!), hat on, and out he waddles... if we're lucky and he hasn't done a poo!! But he loooves being out there. He's borrowed a sled from Weston next door, he laughs and laughs when daddy pulls him around and then turns him fast at the end. The sleds are completely buried in snow outside now, there's no sign of them, but we'll dig them out soon!
We're enjoying lots of time up here with mom and dad, Ian and Suzanne, and Oliver's cousins Aidan and Eli - the boys are having TONS of fun together! Oliver loves the Christmas trees - ours in NJ (see photo!) and mom and dad's huge 12-foot tree here in Maine. He walks around them and points out all the cool ornaments that he recognizes (airplane! pickle! kitty! snowman! train! moon! etc), and sometimes he kisses them all, one after another. There's an electric train around the tree here in Maine, and that's his favorite - it even toots and blows smoke!!! I wonder what he'll think of Christmas morning!!