Every parent in our family has benefited from the early years of their kids' lobster-eating experimentation - that beautiful time when they're big enough to warrent their own lobster at
the table, but all they really want to do with it is poke and play - not actually EAT it! So, the poor parents have to step in and take care of the cracking and the eating... all the while narrating the process to their kids, under the guise of teaching them but secretly gleeful about the lobster bounty. For many, many years, as a child I would only eat the claws, and mom and dad weren't too upset about that. My nephew, Aidan, was happy until recently to get his plate piled high with the spindley legs from everyone's lobsters, and my brother would just have to sigh and eat the rest of it. Now, barely four years old, Ollie has completely consumed his first lobster, and there's no turning back - the honeymoon is over!! We're a bit sad, Ollie, but you do make us proud!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The Fire Brigade
It was an exciting night in Tenants Harbor! We were in Maine for Thanksgiving week, and were keeping toasty at home with the woodstoves on. Andy and I put the kids to bed, and were in the
living room plunking on our laptops, when I told Andy it seemed a bit cold... so he opened the damper on the woodstove and sat back down. About thirty seconds later, we heard a huge SWOOSH and the woodstove started blasting air through it and sounding like a freight train. We both jumped up and freaked out, and Andy ran outside to look at the top of the chimney, and came back in to declare that we had a chimney fire and to call 911! He
went and got the kids out of bed, and a few minutes later there were three fire engines parked outside, red lights flashing (no sirens, thankfully!), and about twelve firemen. Ollie thought this was all VERY EXCITING. His eyes were big like saucers the whole time, and he kept very close to me but also very aware of all that was going on. Andy had shut down the chimney fire pretty quickly when he closed the damper, but the firemen still did a great job inspecting everything, including the attic, and even went on the roof to drop a chain down the chimney and clean it out a bit more. Yay St. George Fire Department! They were so helpful and nice. So, let's hope we don't have too many more exciting nights like this...
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Yummy Playdate
My friend, Jenna, had a playdate recently where everyone brought along something "pretty" that they had baked... the idea being that we all like to bake pretty things, but we don't do it much because then we'd have lots of fattening treats around the house all the time! So we decided to make "ghost pops" - fudgey oreo ball fillings dipped in white chocolate and made into lollipops - they came out great!!
All The Leaves Are Gone...
We're four-season walkers at Kittatinny State Park... the leaves may be gone now, but this warm weekend has pushed back winter in our minds - can Christmas really be just a few weeks away?? Ollie's very excited for snow.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Birthday Boy
So, this morning you came downstairs to a big stack of presents from us, both grandparents, your cousins in England, and Auntie Mavis. You got a Geotrax train, a remote control amphibious vehicle, books, an erector set, a Peppa Pig t-shirt, and more! We spent a good
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Our Little Dragon
Ollie Bollie, you get your own Halloween post, to show off what a good sport you've been over the years in your first and only Halloween costume - a scary dragon! When you were one, you barely tolerated it, and mostly rolled around on the floor in an attempt to rub the costume off... but you did give us some smiles, as you can see!
You were just getting the hang of it when you were two, and the costume fit you well, with room to grow. That was the year that we'd just gotten back from England, only to find SNOW!
When you were three, the costume was a tiny bit snug, but you still loved it to bits. You really liked trick-or-treating this year.
And this year, baby, the costume was truly too small for you, but you squeezed in like a sport, the dragon feet resting a few inches above your own. You were so excited about Halloween this year! You're a wonderful dragon, but you're still our little lamb, and we love you so much.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Halloween in T Harbor!
What a great Halloween!!! We couldn't
resist coming to Maine for a long weekend, and the chance to trick-or-treat on Watts Ave.! It was such a nice few days - morning walks down to the harbor with steaming coffee cups in hand, loads of playtime with Grandma and Granddaddy, Ian and Suz and cousin Eli... Granddaddy was super excited to give Ollie his "birthday boat" (a week before his birthday) -- a handmade l
ittle wooden boat that had a hidden "Happy Birthday" song in it from a greeting card, and a button on top that you press and hold down to make the song play! Ollie loved it, of course. Andy had to work in his nice office in the garage all day on Friday, where the woodstove kept him extra toasty. Over the weekend we carved our imported pumpkin (fresh from the fields in NJ!) -- Andy quickly got frustrated with traditional carving and opted for a more efficient technique - see photo! We were so impressed with the re
sult, especially the delicate nostrils.
Saturday night was our big night out - Ian and Suz watched the kids for us (thank you!!!!) and we went across the street with Mom and Dad to our friend Beth's famous Halloween Party - she throws a bang-up party every year with a great costume theme that changes each time. This year it was to dress up as a song title, so I went as "Kiss" by Prince (making use once again of my fabulous homemade kiss costume), and Andy went as "Devil in Disguise." I loved mom's costume as well - she went as "Yesterday," and wore a costume made of newspaper
from yesterday's paper, and a hat draped with black fabric since she "had a shadow hanging over her" - get it? Awesome!
Halloween day just flew by - Andy had to work in the morning, and I took the kids to G&Gs for a great bagel brunch. Eli came back with us to our house at Maddie's naptime, and he and Ollie had fun playing all day. We had everyone over for a dinner of Andy's famous saffron pistachio risotto with Maine shrimp and peas (super good batch!) and then it was time to get the kids suited up. At first Maddie fussed and struggled to get her tutu off, but pretty soon she seemed pretty happy with it. We all headed down to the East Wind, where they were giving out special goody
bags in the lobby, then to Big Dave's house around the corner, and Anne and Tony's... after that, Mom and Dad headed back to our house to give out candy, and we continued on our rounds. It was freezing out (literally), and Ollie got tired and cranky pretty fast, but we all trudged on, the promise of candy keeping Ollie from total meltdown. I was so proud of our cute little house, pumpkins shining, long candlesticks in the front windows, sparkley decoration on the door, woodsmoke rising from the chimney. Such a Happy Halloween!!
Saturday night was our big night out - Ian and Suz watched the kids for us (thank you!!!!) and we went across the street with Mom and Dad to our friend Beth's famous Halloween Party - she throws a bang-up party every year with a great costume theme that changes each time. This year it was to dress up as a song title, so I went as "Kiss" by Prince (making use once again of my fabulous homemade kiss costume), and Andy went as "Devil in Disguise." I loved mom's costume as well - she went as "Yesterday," and wore a costume made of newspaper
Halloween day just flew by - Andy had to work in the morning, and I took the kids to G&Gs for a great bagel brunch. Eli came back with us to our house at Maddie's naptime, and he and Ollie had fun playing all day. We had everyone over for a dinner of Andy's famous saffron pistachio risotto with Maine shrimp and peas (super good batch!) and then it was time to get the kids suited up. At first Maddie fussed and struggled to get her tutu off, but pretty soon she seemed pretty happy with it. We all headed down to the East Wind, where they were giving out special goody
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