Take today for instance. :-) We were walking along together, he was holding both my hands and facing me, and for the first time, he let go and walked a few steps on his own! He seemed pretty pleased with himself.
Then later today, he discovered the awesome power of the light switch. There's a switch that he can reach when he's going up and down the stairs (with mom right behind, of course!). He's been curious about it before, but today he decided it was now or never - he would conquer the switch! Once he figured it out, he
Other hightlights of the day: a very quick webcam with his grandparents Carole and Maurice in England (not a good connection, but nice anway!), and two incredibly long 1:10 naps (big improvement over the usual 35-45 minute naps).
Oh and I almost forgot! Now whenever his toy phone "rings," he holds up the receiver to his ear. I can't stand it. So cute!
I can't post this without a photo of course... let me go find one. Ok, here it is! I love this one so much - from Halloween, as you might be able to tell. We hope to finish some more slideshows soon, from Halloween and O's first birthday!!
Ok, that'll do for today, don't want to scare you off with too much information! :-) See you soon!
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