So, that's why you see Oliver's fancy new bear slippers in some of these photos -- I got them from Beans right after the big bear "event" (see March 19th if you missed it!). Oliver thinks they're really cool and he
doesn't even try to take them off! Notice the chic hand in the pocket, too... he's started doing that sometimes, too cute. He also puts his hands on his hips sometimes - I wonder where he got that?! :-)
Another new hit is his favorite Sesame Street video (well, at least it's my favorite, and he seems to like it, too): see Feist 1234. His cousin, Saul, sent him the link a few weeks ago, and we've been enjoying it ever since. Oliver now knows how to start and stop the video using the mouse buttons; the other day I was washing dishes and he played that video about 12 times in a row! That's when I took this photo.
The last few photos are of Oliver enjoying a "banana milkshake" this morning (milk and banana, a drop of honey) - you can tell from the second photo that he likes it a lot! Plus, he likes to ham it up for the camera now - he loves it when I show him the photos of himself right away on the little camera screen. How things have changed from when we were kids!!