Quick update here... not too much to report, really. We're enjoying the cooler weather, and might even go camping this weekend when Andy gets back from Latvia. Not

hing like sleeping under the stars to help with jet lag!! Our big excitement this week was on Sunday night... we were having dinner, and O was running around as usual, and before I knew it, he had attempted to climb up our side table (the one with all the stuffed animals on it) and it had FALLEN ON TOP OF HIM! So I ran over and pulled it off him - the top edge was right at his neck - and I think the radio had hit him in the eye, hence the swollen gash.... it was NOT FUN! Andy had left for his trip that afternoon, so it was just me at home, and I was a worried mom!! But Oliver just cried for a few minutes, coughed a lot, and then was back to running around. The picture you see here was taken the next morning, when his eye was more swollen. Poor guy! I don't know how he manages to look so cute when he's all banged up, plus he had a fever still from sometime on Sunday.
Anyway, he's back to himself now (gash is healing). On Monday night I even still managed to go to my first choral rehearsal for the
new group I've joined - he had a sitter for 3 hours, and she did the whole bedtime routine with him and he was FINE - what a boy!! Very proud of him!!! The choir is great, I'm so excited - imagine rehearsing the Messiah all fall, not just one night at Christmastime! I met some nice people there, too, so that's good.
Ok, lots to do before he wakes up from his nap - I'll try to write more soon!
1 comment:
Poor little banged-up boy.
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