Sunday, December 20, 2009
Snow 09!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Christmas is coming
So, it seems like turning 3 has been a TRUE turning point for Oliver -- he potty trained himself in the week before his birthday, and in the weeks before and after he turned 3, he just has become a lot more manageable when we're out and about... we went to the gr
ocery store today, and it was actually FUN! I can't believe I just said that, but it's true. Which is not to say that he can't be a complete rascal sometimes, but mostly he's a really good boy. He talks endlessly, and asks "why?!!" all the time, which seems to be a very good thing, even if he does push the limits a lot! He's very imaginative (as you can see in the first photo), and he has started to be a very attentive big brother - this morning he brought tons of his books into my bedroom where Maddie was sitting on my bed, and read to her bits of each one. Well, paraphrased from them... !
Maddie turns 8 months old tomorrow! Imagine. She's become a voracious eater - she pretty much YELLS at me at mealtimes wh
en I don't keep the food coming fast enough! By means of really loud humming, if that's possible. She eats a lot of what Oliver eats now - chicken pot pie with peas and corn, macaroni and cheese, toast, pasta with tomato and meat sauce... I haven't made her Armenian pizza yet, but I'm sure she'll love that, too! Avocado, applesauce - butternut squash was a big hit -- she ate a lot more of Thanksgiving dinner than Oliver did! For a couple of weeks now she's been nursing less, only twice a day, so I have to be sure she's drinking enough from a bottle. She's a VERY happy baby, quite content to play on her own sometimes, very "go with the flow." She usually goes to bed around 8 or so and sleeps until 7am, give or take... how lucky am I?! She's sitting on her own now, no sign of crawling yet.
We're about to send off a Christmas package to our family in England, and I've somehow figured out almost all the presents for our family here, so I'm feeling pretty ahead of the game! This Saturday is a big holiday party organized by the moms group that I'm in, and it will be the first time ever that Oliver meets Santa, can't wait!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Show the love
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Oliver turns 3 !!!!
The next morning, we baked the sausage rolls (prepared the night before) and whipped up a million little cucumber sandwiches, packed up the car, and headed out to Expresso Yourself in Sparta, for Oliver's party. Attending: Carys with Mark and Lisa, Emily with Marcy, Kayla with Melissa, Ryan with Carole, Georgie with Beth and John, and the 4 of us... Anja and her parents had to cancel because the girls hadn't been feeling well. What a fantastic place -- a lovely old house that's been turned into a pottery paint
The next day, we continued the tradition of going to the Bronx Zoo on Oliver's birthday, and it was as fun as ever. Oliver asked several times in the car ride there if the lion was going to eat him, but he seemed more curious than scared.
Maddie growing up
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Potty Training - phew!

Sunday, October 25, 2009
A new friend
Friday, October 23, 2009
We got a cord of wood delivered here at the house in Maine yesterday, and today Oliver and I se
t out to get it stacked... Andy's in England right now, and I missed him, especially when trying to maneuver this really old wheelbarrow with a big tire in the front that is completely flat. We even have an air pump here but the tire is so old that its little air valve is shot. SO not fun when trying to move big, heavy loads of wood from one part of the yard to another. Anyway, the weather was gorgeous -
sunny and crisp - and when I wasn't swearing at the wheelbarrow, I really enjoyed myself! I stacked almost the entire cord today, and got such a sense of achievement from it. It made me think of how I miss that feeling, of a "job well done," since my full time job now (mothering) is a "squishy" one -- a job where it's really hard to see your progress or achievements.
I thought it would be hard to stack the wood while managing O and M, but I just did it while Maddie napped, and Oliver had a great time helping me and generally running around the yard and
being silly. He'd check inside the house from time to time to make sure Maddie wasn't crying. Quite a team! I only have a tiny bit left to stack now, and I'm actually sad it's nearly done... ALMOST makes me think I might like gardening one day, but I'm not holding my breath. We'll see!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
October in Maine
Later we made our way to Granddaddy and Gr
So every time Oliver zooms by, he stops in front of me and says, “Which way I go, Mommy?” I point one way, then the other, saying “This way? That way!” He bikes off, saying, “Thank you, Mommy!” Such a silly boy!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Ok, I just realized there IS a website that will let me print a blog, photos and all, into a soft or hardcover book (it's called - I'm really excited about it! That means that all of this drivel I spend so much time writing can be archived here at home in a much more accessible way... and it gives me a lot of incentive to write more in the blog!! I've gotten sidetracked with facebook... must get back to basics. :-)
I think our only news right now is our upcoming trip to Maine - we leave a week from tomorrow. Andy will be up for a long weekend (working part of the time), and I'll be up with the kids for 2 full weeks!! Which means I have to do some planning NOW for Oliver's 3rd birthday party, as it will come up *quick* when we get home! Not to mention Halloween... that will be 2 days after we get back. Oliver is going to be a dragon again, 3rd year in a row, same costume -- too big the first year, just right last y
ear, a bit snug this year, but VERY CUTE!!! I think Maddie is going to be a lobster. Photos to come, of course!!

Lately, Oliver has been getting major road miles in on his new bike, on the bike path at Horseshoe Lake. He's a pro already!! We've been twice already this week - I'm sure we'll be going nearly every day that the weather is nice, as he loves it so much! On Monday he biked nearly 3 miles without stopping except for an ocassional investigation of a train track or a falling leaf. Maddie has been enjoying the walks as well, and is very patient with her brother's long rides and then his running around the playground. She's such a good sport. She's still nursing, and also loves "banana pudding" (mashed banana with rice powder and formula), and nearly everything else I offer her - she's very curious.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Fall Already!!

Maddie is growing so much, and she's such a happy, calm baby -- I'm really glad I had Oliver first, because if I'd had her first, I would have thought that's how babies ARE!! And then when Oliver came, I would have freaked out!! She sleeps at least 9 or 10 hours a night now... I don't talk much about what a good baby she is, because I don't want to annoy my mommy friends whose babies more resemble Oliver at that age!
Oliver has just "grown out" of a rascaly couple of
weeks, and has been a most lovely boy for at least 3 days straight. He loves his new 2-wheeler bike with training wheels, mowing the lawn with daddy, and Wonder Pets -- no luck with potty training yet. :-(
Not much more news to report... find me on facebook for more day-to-day updates! Here are a few photo albums from our summer adventures, compiled recently so we could make prints - the second one has some older photos in it that we just hadn't printed yet. Enjoy!
Oh! Almost forgot my other recent project -- working on the website for our cute little house in Maine, which we hope to rent from time to time. Take a look at the Greatest Cape!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Summer fun
Friday, June 5, 2009
A week on my own!
To start off the week, my friend Sharon came down for a night (see photo above), and it was great to see her - plus, it happened to be one of Maddie's fussiest nights!! Sharon was a huge help, I'm just sad she didn't get to see a more chilled-out girl, as she's usually not nearly so fussy. And by fussy, I mean screaming at the top of her lungs for ages on end. On Sunday, we all went out for a dim sum lunch, which was super yummy, but a bit frantic since it's always a race against time when there's a 2 1/2 year old and an 8 week old in tow!! M was fine, dozed happily, but Oliver kept trying to run around, though he did enjoy his pork shu mai.
The rest of the week, we just went to
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Ian's visit
Anyway, in only about a week and a half, Andy's parents will be visiting us, and we'll be spending most of the time up in Maine - can't wait!! That's the news of the day. xoxo
Friday, May 8, 2009
Deep Thoughts
You know you're a mom of 2 when....
You wake up in the morning with your crying baby, and your very first thought is, "Maybe I'll be able to have a nap today."
You know that 9 out of 10 times, your 2 kids don't nap at the same time, so no mommy nap...
You realize with dismay that it's Friday, and you haven't had a shower since Tuesday.
You wonder, for the umpteenth time, why your *right* nipple aches when your baby starts nursing on the left side, and vice versa.
You're anticipating with glee the arrival of your fancy new diaper bag.
You wake up in the morning with your crying baby, and your very first thought is, "Maybe I'll be able to have a nap today."
You know that 9 out of 10 times, your 2 kids don't nap at the same time, so no mommy nap...
You realize with dismay that it's Friday, and you haven't had a shower since Tuesday.
You wonder, for the umpteenth time, why your *right* nipple aches when your baby starts nursing on the left side, and vice versa.
You're anticipating with glee the arrival of your fancy new diaper bag.
With 2 kids going in different directions sometimes, daddy needs his own bag as well - which he picked out himself and is also anticipating only slightly less gleefully than you.
You love heavy cloud cover, as it means you don't have to worry much about sunscreen.
Remembering that baby #1 seemed impossibly challenging at the time, but now that routine seems like a walk in the park compared with having two.

Quick one here, too many things to do before Maddie wakes up again (thank you notes being one of them... they'll get mailed someday!). Mostly just taking each day as it comes - trying to get Oliver out to a playground or to meet with friends most days, avoiding the temptation to stay holed up at home. We had Oliver's bff, Anja, and her parents over for dinner a few Friday's ago, so much fun!! (see photo) Oliver is (only just!) starting to put two words together (I don't want to hear about it, all you mothers of crazy talkers!!) - the other day he was outside playing, and he looked into his little blow up pool and said, "bee dead!" Indeed, huge floating dead bee in the pool. One of his most sophisticated sentances to date, that.
Maddie has sleepy days and restless, fussy days, usually one
after the other, rotating. She usually has one 4-5 or so hour stretch of sleep at night, so that's good, can't complain too much. By the end of the week I'm pretty much spent, and I get to sleep in with Maddie while Andy plays with Oliver, yay. Can't report too much more on Maddie - she's still very much in the eating, sleeping, pooping, repeat - stage. She's definitely moving into the "look around with bright, wide eyes" stage, too. Not to mention the "be exceptionally pretty" stage. :-) Although, right after she has a bath, I call her Pat Benetar, because her short brown hair is totally full and spikey, reminding me of the 80s icon... see photo!
You love heavy cloud cover, as it means you don't have to worry much about sunscreen.
Remembering that baby #1 seemed impossibly challenging at the time, but now that routine seems like a walk in the park compared with having two.
Quick one here, too many things to do before Maddie wakes up again (thank you notes being one of them... they'll get mailed someday!). Mostly just taking each day as it comes - trying to get Oliver out to a playground or to meet with friends most days, avoiding the temptation to stay holed up at home. We had Oliver's bff, Anja, and her parents over for dinner a few Friday's ago, so much fun!! (see photo) Oliver is (only just!) starting to put two words together (I don't want to hear about it, all you mothers of crazy talkers!!) - the other day he was outside playing, and he looked into his little blow up pool and said, "bee dead!" Indeed, huge floating dead bee in the pool. One of his most sophisticated sentances to date, that.
Maddie has sleepy days and restless, fussy days, usually one
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Big Brother, Little Sister
The other day, Maddie was resting on our bed under a blanket, and Oliver decided to climb in next to her and get under the blanket - TOO CUTE - I had to take a photo. Enjoy!!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

She had her first doctor's appointment today, and has gained 5 ounces since she got home from the hospital, which they sa
y is fantastic (they lose weight after birth, so now she's back up to 9 lbs, 3 oz). Oliver is managing the changes really well, and so far is very attentive and careful of his little sister. You can see from the photo below that he was very excited when she came home!! Also, here are a few photos of Maddie from the hospital photographer - very very sweet!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Our Sweet Bunny
Welcome, Madeline Marie Hargreaves!
Last week, we had a big surprise - Oliver's little sister said, "I can't wait any more, let the fun begin!!" We were, of course, largely unprepared, as Oliver had been 6 days late in arriving, so we assumed... silly us. She came 9 days early! I had some time in the hospital in the days that followed to write down our "story," so here it is.
On Wednesday night, Andy got home REALLY late from a dinner in CT with his colleagues (midnight!), so we chatted for a bit and then started to fall asleep… but at 12:45am, I was shocked awake by a really strong jolt in my lower abdomen. I thought girly-girl had maybe just kicked me really hard, but I’d never felt anything even close to this before, so I was a bit concerned it could be something MORE. Very soon, I realized I was having regular contractions… they seemed about 5 minutes apart, right away. I told Andy, and pretty soon went downstairs to call my doctor to see what she advised; she said to wait another hour or so and see if they went away… but over the next few hours, they just got stronger and a bit closer together. Since I had a c-section scheduled (in 5 days , they would move directly to that if I got to the hospital and was actually in labor…
So we finally decided that this was the real thing (!), and gathered all the things we needed, including poor sleepy little Oliver, and headed to Morristown Memorial Hospital around 4am. Oliver was such a good sport! He’d gotten about 7 hours of sleep at that point, which was at least 6.5 more than Andy and I had gotten! They figured out pretty quickly that I was in labor, and Andy and Oliver got to come in the room with me while they continued to monitor me and we filled out tons of forms and answered questions for their records. But pretty soon we realized that the time they wanted to perform the c-section (6am-ish) was fast approaching, and we didn’t have anyone set up to watch Oliver, so Andy could be with me. We called some friends, but it was nearly 5am, and we couldn’t reach anyone. So, Andy left with Oliver at 6:10am, headed for work, ready to come back as soon as anyone came in and could look after Oliver! That’s when I toddled to the surgery room, got a spinal thingy, and Madeline was born at 6:33!!! After a few minutes, they brought her over to me and I got my first lovely look – most surprising is her full head of dark, dark hair!! Complete opposite of Oliver, who has had light hair since it finally started appearing, months after he was born!
Pretty soon I was wheeled into recovery, and after about a half hour, Andy was back. We talked for a bit and then he went up to meet Madeline in the nursery, while I daydreamed and wondered how long it would be before I would regain any sensation in the lower half of my body – VERY strange feeling not being able to move your legs/toes, or even know what position they’re in, for that matter! Soon Andy was back, and we were both brought up to a temporary maternity room until a nice room in the newer section nearby opened up (a few hours later). Very busy with babies and moms, this place!
Maddie has taken to nursing really well, which certainly helps. The first few days of nursing are always so hard (and painful, really!), I understand why a lot of people don’t stick with it. But once those days are past, I like it a lot and I’m sure the kids do, too! So far, Maddie is a great sleeper and eater – can’t ask for more than that! Oh, some basics: she was 9 pounds, 12 ounces at birth, 21 1/4 “ long. Her dark hair is all spiky and cool, and softer than anything. I know she qualifies as a “big baby,” but she really, really seems tiny to me, and not just because I’m used to big Oliver… she just seems like a tiny, delicate baby, and it’s hard for me to imagine one much smaller.
Oliver has been so sweet with her – he’s very interested and he laughs when she makes her little squeaks and chirps, or sneezes. He watched her for ages yesterday when he visited, just entranced. I can already tell he’s going to be a great big brother. I’ve noticed something in myself that I hadn’t expected, either – you might think that having a new baby would take your attention away from your first, but the opposite seems to be true – it’s like my awareness of Oliver is heightened. I miss him, his sweet voice, soft hair, hand holding, expressive eyes. It makes me nearly cry, thinking about him and his new baby sister, and how lucky we are.
So, three days and three nights at the hospital, all a blur. Andy, Oliver, and mom visited on and off each day, and on Saturday afternoon, my good friend Beth came by – so nice to see her! Had a nice phone chat with Sharon, and Maddie and I also had lots of webcams with Chloe in England, as well as a nice long one with Andy’s parents. At first facebook wouldn’t open here at the hospital, but then for some reason it stopped being blocked, so that was good. After posting a quick announcement of Maddie’s arrival, it was fun to read all the good wishes come in from far and wide. You’d think I’d be sleeping so much I wouldn’t have time for all this, but hospital “life” isn’t so restful (see next paragraph!). So many doctors and nurses coming by all the time, Maddie nursing, meals delivered and picked up… it’s not a place for rest, sadly. On my first night here, after getting a half hour’s sleep the night before at home, I finally fell asleep around midnight, and a little after 1am, a loud beeping woke me up – my IV was empty and had set its alarm – so in trotted the nurse. I got about 2 ½ hours sleep that night. The next night I got over 5 hours, but the last night only about 2…
We had planned for me to stay at the hospital through part of the day on Sunday, but by 6:30am I realized with full clarity that I needed OUT. My room was located *directly* across from the main nurse’s station, or “grand central,” more specifically. Yes, there are 40 or so rooms here, and I just lucked out. Phone ringing all the time, usually from patients calling from rooms with requests, sometimes on very loud speaker phone (“I need more Percocet!” “Could someone bring my baby to the nursery?” “I need ice water, please.” “MORE PERCOCET!”), frigging sliding door right there, opening and closing a hundred times an hour, babies in their wheeled bassinets moving past the door, clicking of heels, bings and buzzers, chatter chatter chatter of so many people… I realized that I was beginning to suffer from unnecessary sleep deprivation, most of which was not caused by my lovely, hungry baby.
You know you’re in New Jersey when… your hospital has 40 plus maternity rooms, and they’re all full, and you hear a nurse say there are 13 women in labor… so overall, I can’t complain too much, because I know some of these women are stuck in the old, crappy rooms while I have one of the many new, fancy rooms, albeit in a crap location. The nurses and doctors have all been very nice and helpful, especially Maura, my favorite nurse. My c-section must have been very well done, as my recovery has been even a bit easier than the first time, and that was a very good recovery as well. So, high marks for Morristown Memorial Hospital… though the food was significantly better at Yale!! Bonus points for the complementary post-natal massage, ahhhh. Recommendations for moms, no matter what hospital you’re in: ear plugs, your boppy pillow, and Fiber One granola bars (so yummy, and you SO need the fiber right now).
I realize I’ve written more about my silly hospital stay than about beautiful Maddie, so you’ll have to tune in soon for updates on her and her big brother, and all of us getting settled in to life together with Daddy at home. Grandma Patty is here all week with us to help, thank goodness. I can’t believe we’re a family of four! And that I’m about to go home (yup, still writing this in the hospital, actually), rather than about to deliver! Thanks for coming early, Maddie, and welcome, welcome, welcome. I’m in love with you.

On Wednesday night, Andy got home REALLY late from a dinner in CT with his colleagues (midnight!), so we chatted for a bit and then started to fall asleep… but at 12:45am, I was shocked awake by a really strong jolt in my lower abdomen. I thought girly-girl had maybe just kicked me really hard, but I’d never felt anything even close to this before, so I was a bit concerned it could be something MORE. Very soon, I realized I was having regular contractions… they seemed about 5 minutes apart, right away. I told Andy, and pretty soon went downstairs to call my doctor to see what she advised; she said to wait another hour or so and see if they went away… but over the next few hours, they just got stronger and a bit closer together. Since I had a c-section scheduled (in 5 days , they would move directly to that if I got to the hospital and was actually in labor…
So we finally decided that this was the real thing (!), and gathered all the things we needed, including poor sleepy little Oliver, and headed to Morristown Memorial Hospital around 4am. Oliver was such a good sport! He’d gotten about 7 hours of sleep at that point, which was at least 6.5 more than Andy and I had gotten! They figured out pretty quickly that I was in labor, and Andy and Oliver got to come in the room with me while they continued to monitor me and we filled out tons of forms and answered questions for their records. But pretty soon we realized that the time they wanted to perform the c-section (6am-ish) was fast approaching, and we didn’t have anyone set up to watch Oliver, so Andy could be with me. We called some friends, but it was nearly 5am, and we couldn’t reach anyone. So, Andy left with Oliver at 6:10am, headed for work, ready to come back as soon as anyone came in and could look after Oliver! That’s when I toddled to the surgery room, got a spinal thingy, and Madeline was born at 6:33!!! After a few minutes, they brought her over to me and I got my first lovely look – most surprising is her full head of dark, dark hair!! Complete opposite of Oliver, who has had light hair since it finally started appearing, months after he was born!
Pretty soon I was wheeled into recovery, and after about a half hour, Andy was back. We talked for a bit and then he went up to meet Madeline in the nursery, while I daydreamed and wondered how long it would be before I would regain any sensation in the lower half of my body – VERY strange feeling not being able to move your legs/toes, or even know what position they’re in, for that matter! Soon Andy was back, and we were both brought up to a temporary maternity room until a nice room in the newer section nearby opened up (a few hours later). Very busy with babies and moms, this place!
Maddie has taken to nursing really well, which certainly helps. The first few days of nursing are always so hard (and painful, really!), I understand why a lot of people don’t stick with it. But once those days are past, I like it a lot and I’m sure the kids do, too! So far, Maddie is a great sleeper and eater – can’t ask for more than that! Oh, some basics: she was 9 pounds, 12 ounces at birth, 21 1/4 “ long. Her dark hair is all spiky and cool, and softer than anything. I know she qualifies as a “big baby,” but she really, really seems tiny to me, and not just because I’m used to big Oliver… she just seems like a tiny, delicate baby, and it’s hard for me to imagine one much smaller.
Oliver has been so sweet with her – he’s very interested and he laughs when she makes her little squeaks and chirps, or sneezes. He watched her for ages yesterday when he visited, just entranced. I can already tell he’s going to be a great big brother. I’ve noticed something in myself that I hadn’t expected, either – you might think that having a new baby would take your attention away from your first, but the opposite seems to be true – it’s like my awareness of Oliver is heightened. I miss him, his sweet voice, soft hair, hand holding, expressive eyes. It makes me nearly cry, thinking about him and his new baby sister, and how lucky we are.
So, three days and three nights at the hospital, all a blur. Andy, Oliver, and mom visited on and off each day, and on Saturday afternoon, my good friend Beth came by – so nice to see her! Had a nice phone chat with Sharon, and Maddie and I also had lots of webcams with Chloe in England, as well as a nice long one with Andy’s parents. At first facebook wouldn’t open here at the hospital, but then for some reason it stopped being blocked, so that was good. After posting a quick announcement of Maddie’s arrival, it was fun to read all the good wishes come in from far and wide. You’d think I’d be sleeping so much I wouldn’t have time for all this, but hospital “life” isn’t so restful (see next paragraph!). So many doctors and nurses coming by all the time, Maddie nursing, meals delivered and picked up… it’s not a place for rest, sadly. On my first night here, after getting a half hour’s sleep the night before at home, I finally fell asleep around midnight, and a little after 1am, a loud beeping woke me up – my IV was empty and had set its alarm – so in trotted the nurse. I got about 2 ½ hours sleep that night. The next night I got over 5 hours, but the last night only about 2…
We had planned for me to stay at the hospital through part of the day on Sunday, but by 6:30am I realized with full clarity that I needed OUT. My room was located *directly* across from the main nurse’s station, or “grand central,” more specifically. Yes, there are 40 or so rooms here, and I just lucked out. Phone ringing all the time, usually from patients calling from rooms with requests, sometimes on very loud speaker phone (“I need more Percocet!” “Could someone bring my baby to the nursery?” “I need ice water, please.” “MORE PERCOCET!”), frigging sliding door right there, opening and closing a hundred times an hour, babies in their wheeled bassinets moving past the door, clicking of heels, bings and buzzers, chatter chatter chatter of so many people… I realized that I was beginning to suffer from unnecessary sleep deprivation, most of which was not caused by my lovely, hungry baby.
You know you’re in New Jersey when… your hospital has 40 plus maternity rooms, and they’re all full, and you hear a nurse say there are 13 women in labor… so overall, I can’t complain too much, because I know some of these women are stuck in the old, crappy rooms while I have one of the many new, fancy rooms, albeit in a crap location. The nurses and doctors have all been very nice and helpful, especially Maura, my favorite nurse. My c-section must have been very well done, as my recovery has been even a bit easier than the first time, and that was a very good recovery as well. So, high marks for Morristown Memorial Hospital… though the food was significantly better at Yale!! Bonus points for the complementary post-natal massage, ahhhh. Recommendations for moms, no matter what hospital you’re in: ear plugs, your boppy pillow, and Fiber One granola bars (so yummy, and you SO need the fiber right now).
I realize I’ve written more about my silly hospital stay than about beautiful Maddie, so you’ll have to tune in soon for updates on her and her big brother, and all of us getting settled in to life together with Daddy at home. Grandma Patty is here all week with us to help, thank goodness. I can’t believe we’re a family of four! And that I’m about to go home (yup, still writing this in the hospital, actually), rather than about to deliver! Thanks for coming early, Maddie, and welcome, welcome, welcome. I’m in love with you.
Monday, March 23, 2009
3 Girls, No Diaper Bags!!

Andy and Oliver, meanwhile, had a fantastic day out together!! They went to Sky Manor Airport about an hour away and watched all kinds of planes coming and going, and even toured a cockpit! Then they went to a Alstede Farm in Chester and checked out all the cool animals - a very busy day! O only napped for about 40 minutes in the car at some point, and was a bit overtired by bedtime, but not too bad. A super fun day for everyone - we'll definitely do it more often, switching the free time between me and Andy!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Ohhhh it's been so long

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
February - so short, and yet so long
Let me try to think what's new... well, Andy was in Germany for meetings last week, then spent the weekend in England with family and friends. Oliver and I did ok here, not great... I think he's starting to take the whole "terrible twos" thing to heart, but it definitely comes and goes. Just normal th
ings - being a monster when we're out anywhere, unless I give him a lollipop, not paying any attention to simple things I ask him to do (like hurling his toys at me), and especially, being really, really difficult at nap and bedtime. Not sure what's behind that, because until recently he was great with both of those. Bedtime got all screwed up because Andy was away, and he listens to Andy's "BACK TO BED!" more than he does to mine... so he ended up losing as much as 2 hours of sleep a night for a bit until I gave up and took him into my bed, stayed with him till he fell asleep, then left. Maybe his whole sleep pattern is just off now, and he's overtired, so nap/bedtime don't feel right to him. Whatever, hope he gets over it soon.

On the flip side, when he's not being a tyrant, he's lovely and wonderful. Which is most of the time, truth be told. Sort of. :-) We went to a birthday party over the weekend- his friend, Brandon, turned 2- here's a photo of Oliver next to Brandon, watching a puppet show intently. He even sat at the table with the other kids, enjoyin
g the cake, even though he's not much of a "sitter." Today we went to our favorite park, Kittatinny State Park, just north of Andover, NJ, where we walked along Lake Aeroflex and down to the little airstrip at the end, where we watched 3 little planes take off and a big helicopter land, very cool. I was glad Oliver was wearing his wellies, as it was really muddy in parts and he LOVED playing in the puddles! We talked to lots of dogs, too. It was 70 degrees out today- 70 degrees!! They predicted mid 50s, I don't know what happened, but I was glad we were outside.

Otherwise, not too much to report. I'm working on the nursery for our girly-girl on the way (she gave a kick just as I typed that, not kidding!). We got a gorgeous rug on sale from Pottery Barn, and lovely pink blackout curtains. I like going in there, even though we still have to move out all the "guest room" furniture and it's a bit crowded right now. Less than 2 months to go... we're bracing ourselves!
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