You wake up in the morning with your crying baby, and your very first thought is, "Maybe I'll be able to have a nap today."
You know that 9 out of 10 times, your 2 kids don't nap at the same time, so no mommy nap...
You realize with dismay that it's Friday, and you haven't had a shower since Tuesday.
You wonder, for the umpteenth time, why your *right* nipple aches when your baby starts nursing on the left side, and vice versa.
You're anticipating with glee the arrival of your fancy new diaper bag.
With 2 kids going in different directions sometimes, daddy needs his own bag as well - which he picked out himself and is also anticipating only slightly less gleefully than you.
You love heavy cloud cover, as it means you don't have to worry much about sunscreen.
Remembering that baby #1 seemed impossibly challenging at the time, but now that routine seems like a walk in the park compared with having two.

Quick one here, too many things to do before Maddie wakes up again (thank you notes being one of them... they'll get mailed someday!). Mostly just taking each day as it comes - trying to get Oliver out to a playground or to meet with friends most days, avoiding the temptation to stay holed up at home. We had Oliver's bff, Anja, and her parents over for dinner a few Friday's ago, so much fun!! (see photo) Oliver is (only just!) starting to put two words together (I don't want to hear about it, all you mothers of crazy talkers!!) - the other day he was outside playing, and he looked into his little blow up pool and said, "bee dead!" Indeed, huge floating dead bee in the pool. One of his most sophisticated sentances to date, that.
Maddie has sleepy days and restless, fussy days, usually one
after the other, rotating. She usually has one 4-5 or so hour stretch of sleep at night, so that's good, can't complain too much. By the end of the week I'm pretty much spent, and I get to sleep in with Maddie while Andy plays with Oliver, yay. Can't report too much more on Maddie - she's still very much in the eating, sleeping, pooping, repeat - stage. She's definitely moving into the "look around with bright, wide eyes" stage, too. Not to mention the "be exceptionally pretty" stage. :-) Although, right after she has a bath, I call her Pat Benetar, because her short brown hair is totally full and spikey, reminding me of the 80s icon... see photo!
You love heavy cloud cover, as it means you don't have to worry much about sunscreen.
Remembering that baby #1 seemed impossibly challenging at the time, but now that routine seems like a walk in the park compared with having two.
Quick one here, too many things to do before Maddie wakes up again (thank you notes being one of them... they'll get mailed someday!). Mostly just taking each day as it comes - trying to get Oliver out to a playground or to meet with friends most days, avoiding the temptation to stay holed up at home. We had Oliver's bff, Anja, and her parents over for dinner a few Friday's ago, so much fun!! (see photo) Oliver is (only just!) starting to put two words together (I don't want to hear about it, all you mothers of crazy talkers!!) - the other day he was outside playing, and he looked into his little blow up pool and said, "bee dead!" Indeed, huge floating dead bee in the pool. One of his most sophisticated sentances to date, that.
Maddie has sleepy days and restless, fussy days, usually one
1 comment:
What a great photo of Oliver & Anja. And little Madeline is so beautiful. :-)
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