We had to sa

y goodbye to Daddy again today - he's off to a bunch of meetings in Europe - so I'm going to do my best to keep the updates coming on here, so he can keep seeing his lambs on a regular basis!! He called on Skype from the airport and showed Ollie all the cool planes outside, which of course Ollie loved to bits. I don't even want to think about how much we're going to miss him; I just hope the time goes quickly.

I'll start with a photo I took yesterday, just because it's waaaay too cute not to post!! Can you tell that Maddie loves having baths? Ollie does too, it's just impossible to get a photo of them both smiling at the same time. :-)
I actually haven't put a new post up here for a while, so

I'm looking back a couple of weeks to a great outing we had at Kittatinny State Park - Oliver's first time snowshoeing! Even though the snow was way too deep for it, he was such a good sport. He kept falling down and getting right back up. We were so proud of him! We didn't get very far in them... after trekking across a big field, we ditched the snowshoes and walked on a plowed path the rest of the way, but it was still so much fun. Now we can't wait till Andy's home again so we can get back to having cool family adventures. Love you, sweetie.
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