Happy Mother’s Day! I fully realize that I’m one of the luckiest women in the world, with two beautiful, fantastic kids and a husband I cherish. In case you ever wonder, I don’t take it for granted in even the tiniest way. Today was really lovely, even though Andy (my “minus one”) was away; he didn’t miss his chance to send me flowers, a really pretty plant of miniature roses! We had a few nice chats on the phone, in the morning from England and the evening from Germany. He had a good weekend back home between meetings in Germany, and managed (besides lots of time with family and friends) to fit in three of his favorite things: a full English breakfast, a good hot curry, and fish & chips! Can’t beat that. I’m glad he doesn’t miss many holidays; nothing’s ever just right without him, or as sweet, or as fun.
That aside, it *was* a sweet and fun Mother’s Day! The best part was going to Chloe’s house for brunch this morning, even though my dad

decided to stay home as he wasn’t feeling great. Chloe’s mom was there, and another friend as well, and Chloe made THE most killer Eggs Benedict I’ve probably ever had. Yum! And kumquat tart for dessert. It was so nice to see her and her mom and chat about things and reminisce. Maddie decided not to fall asleep on the drive there, even though it was naptime, so she was really cranky and loud the whole time, which was frustrating. Oliver, conversely, amused himself a lot, playing inside and out, so he won in the “easier to manage” contest this morning - an unusual accomplishment for him!
On the drive home, we stopped and gawked at our old house in Union, which is now well over 200 years old and is undergoing MAMMOTH renovations, including the demolition and partial rebuild of the house and workshops that once connected the main ho

use to the barn. This is pretty much painful for us to see. My parents owned the house for 30 years, and I lived there from when I was two years old, so it’s very much a part of us all. I guess it’s good that it’s getting love and attention, but I’d prefer that it get love and attention and always remain exactly as we left it!! :-) I love that house.
Then we came home, by way of Rockland and a couple of errands (Maddie slept the whole time, and Oliver napped as well). By the time we got back to mom and dad’s house, dad was just finishing mowing the lawn, and he and Oliver decided to fly a kite, and promptly got it stuck in a tree. We all took some nice photos together, then played inside for a bit. After Maddie’s afternoon nap, we went for dinner at our favorite local restaurant, the Happy Clam, which specializes in German food and has (pork) Jaeger Schnitzel that is to di

e for. I can never order anything else, it’s that good. I don’t remember the last time that I was in Maine for Mother’s Day – it was so nice to be able to share the day with my wonderful mom!!
I won’t be able to post this for another day or so, as Crappoint – oops I mean Fairpoint - has failed again at setting up our services here in Maine when they said they would. Not that I expected them to. Heading up to bed now on Mother’s Day 2010. I am blessed to be the mom of my beautiful lambs, who make me laugh every day and are just the best things ever. Let me note just a few of the things I especially love about them, my 3 ½ and 1 year olds: I love that Ollie is so playful with his sister, and laughs when she’s silly, and is gentle with her, and gives her kisses. I love that Maddi

e fans her fingers over her lips and makes the most endearing “bubababa” sound, and that she forges her own way through the world, currently with a wonderful “s-crawl,” and that she points and smiles and says “Da-da” now when she sees Andy on our computer during a Skype call. I love that Ollie dances by slightly bending his knees, and that he’s super happy if you give him an umbrella or a flashlight or binoculars. That Maddie doesn’t just love to clap her hands, she loves to clap your hands. That Ollie is so full of love and enthusiasm (“Wow, Mommy, I loooooove going to the dump!” “I just looooove my dinosaur underwear!”). There is no end to the things I love about you both, my sweet babies.
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