A week or so ago, Ollie said he saw something on our front yard, something black. I figured maybe it was our resident groundhog, or a neighborhood cat. When I asked him how big it was, he held his arms out as wide as they would go. Still, I figured he'd taken on his father's penchant for exaggeration... but we went outside to investigate. We didn't see anything at first, but then we noticed something moving near the corner of the house, by the driveway, and were amazed to see two bears! Enjoying a breakfast snack of crab-apples from our little tree. We dashed inside to tell Andy (wo
rking in his office, on the phone - I had to mime "Bears!") and to get the camera; meanwhile, Andy discovered there were THREE bears! I had Maddie in my left arm, camera in my right, and Ollie and I ventured back outside to get some good photos... it was really cool. The bears just went about their business, and after a few minutes there was a noise from the woods nearby and they ambled away. I wouldn't want them around all the time, that's for sure, but once in a great while... we just love them.
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