Now that we're back in the US, memories come back to us unexpectedly: Ollie sitting with Grandma on the sofa as she reads him a story, or making fantastic paper airplanes with Granddad, Maddie's first solo steps,

feeding Rusty, the neighborhood cat, fresh thick cream from a saucer on the back deck, cups of tea, pints of beer, morning crumpets, rain, drizzle, mist, having a "fun things to do" list that kept growing rather than shrinking, picnics with the whole family, stone walls, hot and cold water running f
rom separate taps, vast countryside, feeding the ducks, ravishing squares of
millionaire's shortbread, cobblestones, coal fires, cricket, Cadbury's, sheep (can't forget the sheep!)... and O

llie saying, "I love it at the holiday house! We can walk to the sweet shop!" We loved every minute of it, and the only sad thing is that now it's over and it will be a little while before we're back. In the meantime, we'll just have to appreciate our sunny fall weather here a little bit more, and look forward to many, many skypes with Grandma and Granddad and the cousins. We love you!
What a fantastic trip you all had, from an excellent blogger! :) Well done!! It was great fun reading it, and looking at your amazing photos!
Wow, what a wonderful trip! Thanks for writing about it and letting us all enjoy England vicariously. Now I'm off to get a cup of tea!
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