The best thing about your birthday this year is that so many family members were able to come -- Grandma and Granddaddy from Maine, Ian and Suz, Ronnie and Diana, Rachel and Beth and Saul, and Milt and Rae, who pretty much count as family. It was a big celebration day for Suzanne, too, since you share the same birthday! Your party was a 2pm, and a few of your best buddies came with their moms and dads (yes, all the dads came!) - Addie & Ryan, Brooke & Mady, Claire, Carys & Lowri. Toby came from CT, as well as Steve and Maureen from next door, and everyone stayed for hours. You were a bit clingy during the party, but I wasn't surprised, with so many people h
ere and so much activity! We were lucky it was a lovely day, so you and your friends could spend a lot of time playing on the deck, dashing around on the riding toys, squeezing all together into the playhouse, etc. Around 3ish we all gathered in the dining room to sing you "Happy Birthday," which you responded to with clapping hands and a big shout of "Yay!" forcing us with your utterly relentless cuteness to sing it a second time. A good 3/4 of the cake was consumed at the party... and it was a big cake!
By the end of the day, you were prett
y well spent. We had a booked a big table down the road at Blossom, a great "Asian Bistro," to complete the day with a bit more grown up celebrating for Suzanne, but by the time you got there you were pretty much just screaming, probably trying in your two-year-old way to say, "Are you kidding? Can I PLEASE just go to bed? Or at least have some peace and quiet?!" Your nice daddy obliged, foregoing his yummy dinner in order to take you home, give you a snack, and tuck you into bed.
You, my lovely Madeline, are becoming in your advancing ye
ars both dazzlingly beautiful and fabulously silly. You add new words almost every day to your creative vocabulary, including some of our recent favorites - "ba-del" (bagel) and "tow-ee-o" (cheerio). You are blessed to have such a fantastic big brother; he keeps an eye on you, laughs with me at your crazy antics, and is your general partner in crime, especially when the crime is being illegally cute. We love you so very much, Maddie-boo - Happy Birthday to our baby girl.
1 comment:
Dear Gilian,
Thank you for inviting us to this important party. It was very much
fun to see Ollie and the Birthday girl
and your beautiful home with its dining room mural about your personal
wedding place.
You and Andy are such good parents. It
reminds me of not too long ago when we hung around your first house in Maine, and you, Gili were also so cute like Maddie.
Aunt Diana
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