Ohhhh so excited for our big trip back to England! I can't really underestimate just how happy the kids are about this adventure... choosing what to bring, packing, thinking about seeing Grandma and Granddad, their cousins, and aunt and uncle, being
back at the "Hayfield House" -- but all the excitement begins with FLYING ON AN AIRPLANE!! This is immediate gratification, major intrigue from the get-go. They're dressed in super-comfy airplane clothes (no tight waists!) and have chosen flight companions, which interestingly are stuffed lambs for each of them. Maddie was recently inseparable from "Mr. Horsey," but he was tossed aside for "lamby," which I found quite shocking. :-) We had to set the alarm for FOUR AM to be ready for our pickup to catch an 8:30 flight. Long line at check-in, but the kids were great, and after that we had a little breakfast and had a bit of time to check out the planes from the window. The flight was
amazing... what a difference traveling with Maddie at age 2.5, compared with 1.5! They both were just as happy as clams, calm, content, fantastic. The time flew by, they each napped about an hour. I watched a movie! They sat with Andy most of the time in the 3 seats next to the window, while I was across the aisle. The general pleasantness of this flight was sadly not matched with the return flight, but more on that later! England, here we come!!!!

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