Easter in Maine - yippee! We started our holiday in the typical way -- taking down the Christmas tree that we'd left up since December. A live tre

e... and it still looked great!! Then we had several days of all of our favorite Maine things... morning walks to the harbor, playtime and meals with Grandma and Granddad (lobster! mussels! lamb!), c

eremonial "first runs" on the zip-line (Ollie did the zipping), easter egg dying, a fantastic outdoor egg-hunt on Easter morning, a great 15 mile bike ride on the peninsula (Andy and Gillian), and Ollie's FIRST stab at cycling without his training

wheels! He did great, going quite a long way each time before putting his foot down, and only falling gently once in a while. We had nice visits with Rich and Nicole and the kids, Don and Laurel, Anne and Tony. This year the Easter Bunny decided to go easy on the candy, and brought along a couple of

stuffed toys and some other nice little things as well - the teeny tiny chicks in teeny tiny nests were a big hit! Granddaddy was SO pleased with his special Easter present - a stuffed playtypus - because "A platypus lays eggs; why can't it be the "Easter Playtypus" instead of the Easter Bunny??" You cn see his new friend tucked under his arm in the photo above. A happy, happy Easter - just couldn't have been nicer.
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