could capture the excitement? This trip was conjured up months ago, when June 2 sounded sooo far away, and ever since then we've been crossing our fingers for good weather (we had to book the sites in advance and hope for the best). We lucked out!!! After what felt like monsoon conditions Friday night, Saturday cleared right up and was gorgeous, all the way through to mid-day Sunday when we headed home, exactly as it started to drizzle. Amazing. A week or two before the trip, the flurry of emails began, when Ivy, Laura, Melissa, Carol and I started making lists and figuring out who would bring what.
Our dinner menu was hotdogs and cheeseburgers, along with Ivy's (amazing) marinated chicken kebabs and corn. Dessert - of course - roasted marshmallows and smores. Breakfast was a combination of leftovers (that chicken tastes great any hour of the day!), fresh fruit, sausages, marshmallows (you can't really have a campfire without them), loads of different granola bars, and anything else lying around that looked good - along with lovely cocoa and coffee.
We had chosen five campsites in a row at High Point's Sawmill Lake Campgrounds (sites 4-8), and they were all beautiful, right a the edge of the pond and connected with a
little path that skirts the entire pond. The kids spent the whole time running happily from one site to another on the path, free as birds, and loads of time at water's edge, looking for frogs, finding various treasures, splashing about. There was major excitement when someone spotted a huge millipede on a big log at Carol's site; after some intense observation, Andy released him to the woods, where he'd be free from the poking and prodding of 10 curious kids!
Around 8pm we started getting
the kids ready for "bed," which meant rounding them all up into one big tent (and by "big" I mean a 3-room tent on loan from Kathy, which was fondly dubbed the "Taj-Mah-Tent") where we hoped they would at least begin to wind down and eventually fall
got back to our tents (kids in tow) - about 50 degrees. I don't think any of the adults slept particularly well,
but the kids did all right!
In the morning, the sun was shining, the air was crisp, and there was a gorgeous mist covering the lake. The kids played
happily for hours while we all had a long, lazy breakfast and lots of fun taking a big group photo using the timer function on several cameras. After that we finally had to (reluctantly) break down the tents and pack up. Before heading home, we all drove up to the monument at High Point (the highest place in NJ) to take in the views (except for Andy, who biked to and from the
camgrounds, racking up a neat 104 miles total!). In the 5 minutes it took to get there from the campground, Maddie and at least 3 other kids had fallen alseep. I know our bed is going to feel wonderful tonight! What an utterly fantastic weekend - just couldn't have been better. Unless a few more of our friends could have come as well..... next time!!

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