Ollie, 28 minutes ago, you stepped onto a schoolbus for the very first time, and stepped right out of little-boyhood into big-boyhood, with your typical enthusiasm and joy. As this day got closer, you got more and more excited. We've been busy gathering the supplies on your back-to-school list from the school, which include baby wipes (??), 6 glue sticks, and a margarine container, among other assorted items. Daddy worked from home today so we could all walk to the bus stop on the corner together, and so he could see his little boy off on his BIG DAY!!
Maddie is at preschool today, but she'll be home in time to meet you at the bus stop after school. As soon as we could see the bus coming up the street, you started shouting excitedly, "Here it comes!!" and as you walked towards the door,
you remembered to wave but you were completely focused on the bus. I don't think you would have looked back, but we shouted, "Turn around for a photo, Ollie!!" and you graciously obliged. The busdriver, Ms. Peggy, called out, "Hello, Oliver!" as soon as the door opened for him, and she looks very friendly, indeed. We saw you waving and smiling from your seat inside the bus, and we waved as the bus pulled away, taking you off to start SUCH a big adventure.
Daddy held my hand and I had to wipe away a few tears, seeing my little boy taking such a big step. Ollie, you will love it, because you are so full of curiosity, enthusiasm, humor, and gentleness. We're so proud that you're our boy.
Sweet boy. We love you so much.
Sweet boy. We love you so much.
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