Background: A week or so ago, when mom was visiting and we were wandering around the yard, we noticed a chunk of our fence had been smashed in (or out) by something unknown force. It was in the bottom of the fence, about two feet wide and maybe 3 feet high, the wooden fence pieces just strewn about near the opening. Then a few days later, at the other end of the yard, another area was damaged, this time high up and much messier, not a real opening like the last time. The (relatively) good news is that we've realized recently that the whole fence is old
and in disrepair/rotting and needs to be replaced, so at least this isn't happening to a "good" fence.
ANYWAY! This morning I pulled aside the curtains in the living room to look out at the birds on the feeder, and what did I see?? I think you can guess from the title and the pictures! A bear
! Not a baby bear, a big, wet (rainy day), full grown bear! 4 feet away from me, eating up our bird seed and having destroyed the iron rod that the feeder hangs from. I dashed to get the camera and got a couple of blurry shots, but this afternoon I looked up when passing the window, and there he was again! So this time I got several good shots, all of which are shown he
re. I also got a longer look
at him, and as soon as he saw me he ambled quickly away. I tried to see how he got out of our yard, but didn't see him exit - I assume he stayed close to the deck on the yard below, and went out the opening at the far end... otherwise, he's taken up residence under the deck, but I won't be investigating that by myself!!! So, that's the news from the wilds of New Jersey!!
...and the masses of bears come out of their lairs, to live under the stairs, and I say to them, "Bears! Just look how I'm walking in all of the squares." And by the way, Bears, get out of here or we'll call the Animal Control Officer. This is SCARY.
Oh my god. You're going to have to buy a LOT more birdseed!!! :)
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