Hello! Trying to keep my *vast* blogger audience out there happy and satisfied... :-) Let me see what's new with O... well, mom had a great morning today (Saturday) because when O woke up at about 7:15am, dad took him downstairs to play and have breakfast while mom got to sleep in!! This was great, but especially great for dad, who had a crazy busy week and literally had not seen Oliver (awake) since Sunday!! Then a little later, Andy took him to a local children's musem, and I got to stay home and take a shower (wheee!) and do some housework, like filtering through the huge pil
e of mail on our counter. Nice morning! I got an email from Andy, out with Oliver (he can send emails with photos from his Blackberry), with this photo and the text "Not working out as planned!" Apparently O had fallen asleep in the car on the way to the museum... not an unusual ocurrance! But then an email came in after that, saying he was back on track, and showing him at the musuem. They had a good time, despite the torrential rain outside. We had a great webcam with Steve and Al during O's afternoon nap just now, and we brought the computer upstairs so they could see him napping! Very sweet. Guess there isn't tons more news right now... but I'll be back soon!

well now... your "vast" audience loves the updates... :) Hope all is well with the Hargreaves family!!
Hi there from Dubai! I love to see and read what is new in O-land!
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