We're finally all in Maine for our big summer holiday... and by "all" I mean the four of us, ALL FOUR grandparents (yay!), and Ian and Suz, Eli and Aidan.
Two weeks of fun (and an extra week for me and the kids when Andy heads off on a trip and Carole and Maurice have to go home). The two weeks stretch generously out ahead of us, but we all know the time will fly by in a snap. On our very first full day here, Carole and I decided to join the entire Kahn clan for the famous "Garden Tour," which was slated this year for Union, Hope, and Appleton. What a great day out!! The kids stayed with Andy and Maurice back home, so it was an *extra* peaceful da
y for me. Our wonderful friend, Hillary, was with us as well, which added immensely to the happiness factor. The first photo is of her and Carole, chatting away in the summer sunshine. We had packed a great picnic lunch (my favorite was Dad's smoked salmon with cream cheese and diced red onion on crackers) which we ate at one of the garden spots, a home on Alfred Lake. That's Eli on the swing! It made me miss my summers on Crawford Lake. The last stop of the tour was the hom
e of our old neighbors, David and Tracy, who live directly across from the house I grew up in, which my parents owned for 30 years, starting when I was two years old. In the nine or ten years since my parents sold the house, the most I've ever done was drive by it slowly a few times, gazing at it wistfully. Our house! It really was a member of our family, full of personality... it still shows up in my dreams, quite frequently. So on this day, I sat on the steps of our friends' house across the street, stared at the house and at the windows of my old room, and cried! I think it knows we love it so, even after all these years.

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