Today is Friday, and it's 95 degrees here in Maine... yes, in MAINE!! The "real feel," according to the, is 98. On days like this it feels like it's literally impossible for it to be any hotter anywhere on Earth, but come to find out, it is currently 98 degrees back home in NJ, "real feel" 114. Good god! Andy is supposed to participate in the Lobster Ride and Roll here tomorrow, the full 100 mile route, and we're banking on the weather forecast suggest
ing it will be 10-15 degrees cooler than today... which is still NOT COOL ENOUGH for a comfortable ride. We'll see. We actually beat the heat for a bit today, getting out in the boat for a trip to Weskeag, which was gorgeous... I was so happy to discover that it really IS remarkably cooler out on the water than inland. Lovely and breezy, big swells on the water, air that's cooled by the cold, cold sea, seagulls swooping, even a couple of seals popping their heads out and going back under. We took the kids and met Carol, Maurice, and my mom at the 'Keag for crab rolls. Coming back into port was brutal - you hit a point where it just feels like you've opened up an oven door. On broil. I think this afternoon we might go and submerge ourselves in the water at Drift Inn Beach. For several hours.
(Postnote: we did this! Arrived at the beach exactly at high tide, waded in a bit, and Granddad Maurice was the first to take the plunge. It took me a few minutes more - it was super duper cold, and I screamed when I jumped in, but after a minute I got used to it and I just sat in water up to my neck. Definitely a high point to the day. Ollie was at my mom's house playing with his cousins, but Maddie had fun with us at the beach. I was only in for 30 or 40 minutes before we had to head home, but I think I could have stayed in for a couple of hours!)

(Postnote: we did this! Arrived at the beach exactly at high tide, waded in a bit, and Granddad Maurice was the first to take the plunge. It took me a few minutes more - it was super duper cold, and I screamed when I jumped in, but after a minute I got used to it and I just sat in water up to my neck. Definitely a high point to the day. Ollie was at my mom's house playing with his cousins, but Maddie had fun with us at the beach. I was only in for 30 or 40 minutes before we had to head home, but I think I could have stayed in for a couple of hours!)
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