Monday, December 10, 2007

Our little lamb

So, Oliver is turning into a sheep, I think - he had a very sheep-like poo this morning! Aren't you glad to know that??! But the big news today is his marathon night of sleep... he didn't have an afternoon nap yesterday, and seemed pretty tired when we put him to bed. He fell asleep at 7:30, then woke up to join us in bed around 2:30am, and slept till 8am! 12.5 hours of sleep! He actually woke up around 6:30, but we played around in bed and he decided to fall asleep again. Nice!

I've just been on the Sparta Public Library website, where they have a nice storytime program for babies and kids, but there's a waitlist for the baby group, and I have to cross my fingers that I'll be able to register fast enough for the winter session. Registration is on January 7th starting at 8:30am... man, it's cut-throat around here!

Anyway, time to heat up some of Uncle Steven's pea and ham soup for Oliver's lunch. Yum! PS, just adding this a half hour later or so -- I scooped a lot of soup out for O, thinking we had extra and he'd never eat that much, but he's just gobbled it all up!

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