Friday, December 7, 2007

Say "bye-bye"

Man, we had to say good bye to Steve and Alison today, after a one week visit, and it was really hard! They had so much fun with O, but more importantly, he had so much fun with them! Constant playmates, none of this "mom doing a million things while I'm close by" stuff, just lots and lots of attention and fun. We had such a great week, and Oliver is even closer to walking now - he has made about three steps in a row now.

I couldn't make it halfway through "The Wheels on the Bus" song without crying after we dropped them off at the train station today, though we did try some of the English-style verses, like "the mothers on the bus say natter natter natter" - pronouncing the "t"s and all! I forget what the mothers say in the American version, but it isn't natter... but we'll say that when we sing it. Then I smiled when Oliver kept pressing "three, three three" on his toy phone, which he always did when Steve was with him.

Anyway, we'll look forward to our next visit, which can't come soon enough... and now it's 3:19pm, I'm taking O upstairs for a nap, and Steve and Al should be just setting off on their flight... safe journey!


Patty said...
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Patty said...

Please tell Oliver that there are 2 kinds of Granddaddy's soup waiting for him in Maine: split pea & potato leek. Yum! xoxoxoxoxoxoxx