Thursday, April 17, 2008

It's not ALL mud!

So, spring in Maine is (as anyone who lives here will tell you) actually a lot more than just mud! This week has been glorious, with crisp, sunny days and cold nights - it's been around 55 degrees during the day, which doesn't sound that warm but today we just wore thin shirts and the sun felt so warm... it was perfect! It was a lot warmer inland, but stayed cooler by the coast, as usual. Nice! Just the way spring should be, none of this 70+ degree stuff they're getting already in NJ. Save it for summer!

Today we had a trip to the port in the morning, got a couple of things at the general store and met a great dog who escorted us around the landing - he acted like he was OUR dog! Big, heavy, wet, brown lab, everyone in town knows him - he belongs to a fisherman about a mile away, and comes to the port every day to hang out and get free food and good company. We sat together in the sun and wished that time could stop for a bit, but we had to get O back home for his nap.

We played outdoors a lot in the afternoon, and Oliver got to enjoy his new crocs, which (as you can see) he's quite proud of! We also visited a playground in town, and he had his first visit to a sandbox -- MAN did he love that sandbox! I think he would have stayed in it for an hour if he could - I've never seen him so happy doing just one thing for so long. Here's an action shot - he had tons of fun dumping sand all over the place, and on himself. Andy and I talked this afternoon and decided we'll have to build him his own sandbox when we get home.

1 comment:

Patty said...

A barefoot boy with shoes on
Stood sitting in the grass...

(as Oliver's great-granddaddy used to say - from a silly song by Asa Marting, "Ain't We Crazy"