Thursday, May 29, 2008

A few days in...

Wednesday: Oliver slept ok – the first 4 hours in the borrowed pack-n-play crib (called a cot here!), then the rest of the night back with me, after he woke up crying. I can understand – strange new place, nothing familiar, it must be pretty scary for a little one! He slept about 9 or so hours, not his usual full night but certainly pretty good! He was happy for the first hour or so, then started to get fussy – he’s clearly not caught up on all his missing sleep yet. Still, we went to a local garden center this morning which is quite big and has a wonderful mini-train ride all around it – through tunnels, woods, gardens, etc. – Maurice says he’s been waiting 40 years to take his grandchild for a ride on it!! Since Oliver was a bit fussy by then, I took him around for the first ride, with Carole sitting next to us, and once we got going he loved it. But by the time we tried for the second ride with Maurice, poor Oliver was inconsolable. No worries, we’ll be going back soon and Granddaddy will get his ride with Oliver!!

Auntie Mavis (Carole’s sister) met us at the garden center towards the end, and we all headed home to a great lunch of homemade soup. This was Mavis’ first time meeting Oliver, and it wasn’t till after his nap that she really got to see the good side of him!! In the afternoon we went to Bramhall Park, which was gorgeous and has an incredible Elizabethan manor in the middle of it, overlooking a valley with a river and lake below. We brought bread to feed the ducks and geese, and Oliver got the hang of it after a bit. Once in a while he tossed a piece in his mouth instead of out to the birds! He also had great fun in the playground there. When we got home, we had dinner (Oliver has learned to help “set” the table!) and then Neil stopped by for a visit after work, and also met Oliver for the first time – he says he can really see Andy in him!

Now (Thursday) I'm off to stay with Chloe for 2 nights in Bagshot (near London) - my flight is at 3:30pm. Andy comes up tonight after finishing work in London, so I'm going to miss him! I'll be back Saturday night, and Sunday is his big 100 mile bike ride (the Polka Dot Challenge) through the peak district - that link will tell you all about it. He's been working hard to get ready for it - can't wait to go and cheer him on! In the meantime, I'll be having girly fun with Chloe, and Oliver will be looked after by his dad and grandparents - no diapers for me for two whole days! But I'll miss my little lamb.

1 comment:

Patty said...

Love reading your blog! Time for a new entry! Time for some photos! Love to everybody from Gr & Gr in Maine. xoxoxoxoxxx