Saturday, July 23, 2011

Daddy's Big Adventure

As noted in yesterday's post -- it's HOT HOT HOT up here in Maine! Unreasonably hot. And unfortunately, this year's Lobster Ride and Roll falls smack in the middle of this heat wave.  Andy was committed, though, so he headed to Rockland around 7am, and the 100-mile ride started at
8am.  He could estimate pretty accurately when he would be biking through town, so we all gathered near our house in the center of Tenants Harbor to greet him with huge cheers and fanfare.  He stopped for a few minutes to rest and chat in the shade with us, and we refilled his water bottles with cold water.  Then he was off again, into the blazing sun.  My husband, the cyclist.  (I recommend visiting that link, if you're curious!) xoxoxo

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