Saturday, October 15, 2011

Camping at High Point

What a fantastic weekend for camping!!! We had reserved site 2 at High Point's lakeside campground, a very private site that looked down on the lake from a bit higher up, and was cozy with trees all around. The kids were so excited and helpful. First Ollie helped Daddy put up the tent, then they set about building a fire for warmth and to cook dinner.
No rain like last time, but MAN the night was cold, as I recall!! Ollie and Maddie fell asleep with us quickly and didn't seem bothered at all, but I had a lot of trouble falling asleep and just couldn't get warm! Finally I piled just about everything on top of me that I could find, pulled my hat down snug, and burrowed under the covers... after that I fell asleep! The morning was truly stunning, watching the mist over the lake and the sun rising behind it, seeing our breath in the cold morning air - fantastic!!!

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