Monday, October 31, 2011

Oh, to Bee a Dragon Slayer

Ever since Ollie's first Halloween, just before his 1st birthday, he was dressed as a dragon. The same dragon! Since he was a big baby, at 1 year old I got him a costume sized 2/3. The next year, it fit him pretty well. At 3, it fit well again, just a
tiny bit snug. And when he was 4, he was busting out of it, but it was stretchy, so no problem! So how funny is it that he chose to dress as a DRAGON SLAYER on his 5th Halloween?!! Really, he wanted a costume that would allow him to use a light sabre, and he had no interest in Darth Vader. So dragon slayer was the best we could come up with! And what a costume - the best!!
Maddie-Boo decided early on that she wanted to be a BEE... and she was the cutest bee ever known. We headed up to Maine for several days, since you can't beat Halloween on Watts Ave. Grandma and Granddaddy stayed at our house to hand out (buckets of) candy while we all went trick or treating with Rich and Weston. Our pumpkin was pretty awesome this year, too. Love love love Halloween!

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